3D cad
Have an idea, concept or part, that needs to be realized in a CAD (computer aided design) 3d model? We can assist with creating models, that allow you to visualize, calculate or produce.

Need a part to 3d print, CNC machine or injection mold?
Perhaps you have sketches or ideas, that you would like to present to somebody or would like to have proposals for manufacturing. If you have an idea, that you would like to have realized for 3d printing, contact us.

The costs are project specific but start at
-CHF 200,-/project
-CHF 300,-/project
(incl. 2 revisions)
-CHF 500,-/project
(incl. 5 revisions)
Do you have a loved piece of furniture, that just doesn't go with anything else you own? Let us transform it to s.th. you'll actually use, like turning a closet into a coffee station.